Telangana Electricity Bill Calculator, Per Unit Rate 2022-23 | Electrical4u (2025)


We have added extra calculator function for calculating three phase & single phase electricity bill and Now you can calculate the Telangana bill on monthly basis.

Telangana Electricity Bill Calculator:

Enter the total unit consumption in kWh (units) or choose the Domestic (house) or Commercial option to get the electricity bill as per latest tariff order.

Telangana Electricity Tariff Order 2022-23:

As per the latest tariff regulation from Telangana electricity board the tariff rate is increased by 0.5 rupees per unit and the above tariff rates is for your reference.

Telegana electricity board is following the non-telescopic scheme. In that

Learn More: kVAR to VAR Conversion Calculator

Telangana electricity Bill calculation:

Telangana electricity tariff calculator is used to calculate the total electricity bill as per the current tariff rate for the year of 2022-23 from the Telangana state electricity regulatory commission.

Telangana electricity board charges three slaps for LT domestic or retail consumers and four slaps for the commercial consumer.

  • Domestic consumer electricity less than 100 units they will be charged in LT(1) A tariff rates. According to this the consumer shall pay ₹1.95 for their first 50 units and ₹3.1 for the remaining 50 units
  • The consumer has electricity consumption more than 100 units and less than 200 means they have LT(1) B tariff rates. The per unit rate here is ₹3.4 for the first 100 units, ₹4.8 for the next 100 units
  • In cases, your overall consumption is more than 800 means, you will come into LT (1) C tariff rates. The per unit rate is as follow, ₹5.1 for the first 200 units (0-200), ₹7.7 for the next 100 units from 201 to 300 units, 9 for the next 100 units, 9.5 for the next 400 units and ₹ 10 for the above 800 units.
Learn More: Hp to MVA Conversion Calculator

In additionally, electricity duty charger is applicable. It is 0.06 paise per unit.

Current electricity slab (tariff) rate in Telangana 2022-23:

Below mention table indicates the current tariff rate for the domestic LT consumer.

Telangana Domestic Tariff Rate for single phase and Three Phase
SchemeUnitPer unit(₹)Fixed Charges Per Month
C0 -2005.1

LT A Category Tariff rates under 100 units:

The consumer power consumption is below 100 means, they have to pay ₹ 1.95/- per unit- for the first 50 units and ₹ 3.10/- per unit for the second 50 units.


Consider that, you have consumer 92 units, let we calculate your current bill Now.

As per the latest tariff rate by Telangana government, you will come into the LT A category. The first 50 unit you need to pay 1.95 per unit and next 42 units you have to pay 3.1 per unit.

Learn More: kVAR to MVAR Conversion Calculator

Hence you electricity bill will be ₹ 243.22 /-

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 92 Units with 1kW demand
SchemeTariff RangePer unit(₹)UnitBilling
Category I0-501.955097.5
Energy Charges227.7
Fixed Charges10

LT B Category Tariff rates more than 100 and less than 200 units:

Consumer who consumes total power of above 100 units and less than 200 units, they will pay LT B category tariff. It is approximately 150% higher than the tariff LT A. here the tariff rates for 0-100 units 3.4 per unit and for 100-200 units, you pay 4.8/ – per unit.


Calculate the Telangana electricity bill for 185 units of power consumption.


As we said, above 100 & less than 200 units consumer will come into LT B category. Hence, for first 100 units the per unit cost will be ₹ 3.4 and the next 85 units the per unit cost will be ₹ 4.8. The final bill cost is 779.1/-

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 185 Units With 2kW demand
SchemeTariff RangePer unit(₹)UnitBilling
Category II0-1003.4100340
Energy Charges748
Fixed Charges20

LT C Category Tariff rates more than 200 units:

When your consumption is more than 200 units mean, then you have to pay LT C category. Here you will pay ₹ 5.1/- for the first 200 units, ₹ 7.7/- for the next 100 units, ₹ 9 for the next 100 units, ₹ 9.5/- for the next 400 units, and ₹ 10 for the all above.


Let we Find your electricity bill for the 1062 units.

Look at the table, for first 200 unit it is ₹ 1020, for next 100 unit it is ₹ 770, next 100 units it is ₹ 900, next 400 units ₹ 3800, and next 262 unit it is ₹ 2620/-. Electricity duty tax is ₹ 0.06 for the total units, in addition to that the consumer shall pay ₹ 80/month as minimum fixed charges Hence your final bill will be ₹ 9213.72 for 1062 units.

Learn More: Torque (Nm) to Horsepower (HP) Conversion Calculator
Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 1062 Units with 4kW Demand
SchemeTariff RangePer unit(₹)UnitBilling
Category III0 -2005.12001020
Energy Charges9110
Fixed Charges40

LT Commercial Consumer Tariff Rate – Telangana

The consumer is using electricity for own business, advertisement banners, saloon shop etc. will come into commercial Lt tariff. Here, the commercial consumer will pay 200% higher than the domestic consumers. Also, a commercial consumer has to pay fixed rated as extra. Look at the table of tariff rate for a commercial building,

Commercial consumer pays their bill in non-telescopic manner. In That, the consumer shall pay 7.0 for the first 50 units with 60/kW/Month as fixed charges. If they reach more than 50 units then they follow below tariff such as

For 0-100 units they shall pay ₹8.5 per, ₹9.9 for the next 200 units, ₹ 10.4 for the next 200 units between 300 to 500 units and ₹11 for the above 500 units. Along with that the consumer shall pay 70 per kW per month as fixed charges.

Learn More: What is 0 Wattage Bulb, Power Consumption, Calculation
LT-II: Non-Domestic/Commercial
LT-II(A): Upto 50 Units/Month
LT-II(B): Above 50 Units/Month
Above 500kW70/kW11

Telangana Tariff Order 2022-23 for All category:

CategoryFixed/Demand ChargeEnergy Charge
Low Tension
LT-I: Domestic
LT-I(A): Upto 100 Units/Month
LT-I(B)(i): Above 100 Units/ Month & up to 200 Units/ Month
LT-I(B)(ii): Above 200 Units/Month
Above 800 unitskW1010
LT-II: Non-Domestic/Commercial
LT-II(A): Upto 50 Units/Month
LT-II(B): Above 50 Units/Month
Above 500kW7011
LT-II(C): Advertisement HoardingskW7013
LT-II(D): Haircutting salons consuming upto 200 units/month
LT-III: Industry
Seasonal Industries (off- season)kW758.4
Pisciculture/Prawn culturekW366.2
Sugarcane crushingkW366.2
Poultry farmskW657
Mushroom, Rabbit, Sheep and GoatkW757.3
For Rice Mills under LT-III Industry, the upper limit of Contracted Load shall be 93 kW/125 HP; For the remaining consumers under LT-III Industry, the upper limit of Contracted Load shall
be 75 kW/100 HP.
LT-IV: Cottage Industries
20/kW subject to a minimum of
LT-IV(A): Cottage IndustrieskWRs.30/month4
LT-IV(B): Agro Based ActivitieskW20/kW subject to a4
minimum of
CategoryFixed/Demand ChargeEnergy Charge
For LT-IV(B) Agro Based Activity, the upper limit of Connected Load for Sheep farming, Goat
farming, and Dairy farming activities shall be 15 HP; For the remaining consumers under LT- IV(B) Agro Based Activity, the upper limit of Connected Load shall be 10 HP.
LT-V: Agricultural
LT-V(A): Agriculture (DSM Measures mandatory)
Corporate FarmersHP2.5
Other than Corporate FarmersHP
LT-V(B): Others
Horticulture Nurseries with CL uptoHP204
15 HP
LT-VI: Street Lighting & PWS Schemes
LT-VI(A): Street Lighting
Municipal CorporationskW328.1
LT-VI(B): PWS Schemes
32/HP subject to a minimum of
32/HP subject to a
MunicipalitiesHPminimum of Rs.100/month7.1
32/HP subject to a minimum of
Municipal CorporationsHPRs.100/month7.6
LT-VII: General
LT-VII(A): General PurposekW218.3
LT-VII(B): Wholly Religious Places
Load upto 2 kWkW216.4
Load above 2 kWkW217
LT-VIII: Temporary SupplykW2112
For LT-VIII Temporary Supply, the consumer shall be required to deposit in advance the
estimated consumption charges along with other charges as stipulated in the Tariff Order.
LT-IX: Electric Vehicle ChargingkW506
High Tension
HT-I(A): Industry General
11 kVkVA4757.65
33 kVkVA4757.15
132 kV and abovekVA4756.65
HT-I(A): Lights and Fans
11 kV7.65
33 kV7.15
132 kV and above6.65
HT-I(A): Poultry Farms
11 kVkVA4757.65
33 kVkVA4757.15
HT-I(A): Industrial Colonies
11 kV7.3
33 kV7.3
132 kV and above7.3
HT-I(A): Seasonal Industries
11 kVkVA4758.6
33 kVkVA4757.9
132 kV and abovekVA4757.7
HT-I(A): Optional Category with Load Up to 150 kVA
11 kVkVA1008
HT-I: Time of Day Tariffs (6 AM to 10 AM)
11 kV8.65
33 kV8.15
132 kV and above7.65
HT-I: Time of Day Tariffs (6 PM to 10 PM)
11 kV8.65
33 kV8.15
132 kV and above7.65
HT-I: Time of Day Tariffs (10 PM to 6 AM)
11 kV6.65
33 kV6.15
132 kV and above5.65
HT-I(A): Poultry Farms – Time of Day Tariffs (6 AM to 10 AM)
11 kV8.65
33 kV8.15
HT-I(A): Poultry Farms – Time of Day Tariffs (6 PM to 10 PM)
11 kV8.65
33 kV8.15
HT-I(A): Poultry Farms – Time of Day Tariffs (10 PM to 6 AM)
11 kV6.65
33 kV6.15
HT-I(B): Ferro Alloys
11 kVkVA4757.65
33 kVkVA4757.15
132 kV and abovekVA4756.65
No stipulation of Guaranteed off-take for HT-I(B) Ferro Alloy Units
HT-II Others
11 kVkVA4758.8
33 kVkVA4758
132 kV and abovekVA4757.8
HT-II: Time of Day Tariffs (6 AM to 10 AM)
11 kV9.8
33 kV9
132 kV and above8.8
HT-II: Time of Day Tariffs (6 PM to 10 PM)
11 kV9.8
33 kV9
132 kV and above8.8
HT-II: Time of Day Tariffs (10 PM to 6 AM)
11 kV7.8
33 kV7
132 kV and above6.8
HT-III Airports, Railway Stations and Bus Stations
11 kVkVA4758.5
33 kVkVA4757.85
132 kV and abovekVA4757.45
HT-III: Time of Day Tariffs (6 AM to 10 AM)
11 kV9.5
33 kV8.85
132 kV and above8.45
HT-III: Time of Day Tariffs (6 PM to 10 PM)
11 kV9.5
33 kV8.85
132 kV and above8.45
HT-III: Time of Day Tariffs (10 PM to 6 AM)
11 kV7.5
33 kV6.85
132 kV and above6.45
11 kVkVA2756.3
33 kVkVA2756.3
132 kV and abovekVA2756.3
HT-IV(B) CP Water Supply Schemes
11 kVkVA6.1
33 kVkVA6.1
132 kV and abovekVA6.1
HT-V(A) Railway TractionkVA4755.05
HT-V(B) HMRkVA4754.95
HT-VI Townships & Residential Colonies
11 kVkVA2607.3
33 kVkVA2607.3
132 kV and abovekVA2607.3
HT-VII: Temporary
11 kVkVA50011.8
33 kVkVA50011
132 kV and abovekVA50010.8
For HT-VII Temporary Supply, the consumer shall be required to deposit in advance the estimated
consumption charges along with other charges as stipulated in the Tariff Order.
11 kV4.8
HT-IX: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
11 kVkVA1006
33 kVkVA1006
132 kV and abovekVA1006
HT-IX: Time of Day Tariffs (6 AM to 10 AM)
11 kV7
33 kV7
132 kV and above7
HT-IX: Time of Day Tariffs (6 PM to 10 PM)
11 kV7
33 kV7
132 kV and above7
HT-IX: Time of Day Tariffs (10 PM to 6 AM)
11 kV5
33 kV5
132 kV and above5
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Telangana Electricity Bill Calculator, Per Unit Rate 2022-23 | Electrical4u (2025)


What is the unit rate of Tsspdcl Bill 2022? ›

T Sriranga Rao said that the average cost of service increased from Rs 6.04 in 2018-19 to Rs 7.0 per kWh in 2022-23, which translates to an increase of 16 per cent.

What is the rate of electricity per unit in Telangana? ›

4.75 per unit between one and 50, Rs. 6.5 per unit between 51 and 150 units and Rs. 7.35 per unit between 151 and 300 units.

How to calculate electricity bill in Telangana 2022? ›

LT-I(A): Upto 100 Units/Month

In the same way, if the consumer consumes more than 200 units means, they shall pay, 5.1 for their first 200 units of consumption, ₹7.7 for their next 100 units, ₹ 9 for the next 100 unit range of 301 to 400, ₹ 9.5 for the next 500 units and ₹10 for the remaining all the above units.

What is the cost of 3 phase electricity per unit in Telangana? ›

263 paise per Kwh. Above 40 units per month upto 300 Units per month 363 paise per Kwh. The monthly minimum charges (excluding service charges) will be as under :- a) Upto 1 kW Rs. 60/- b) Above 1 kW Rs.

What is the cost of 1 unit? ›

What is cost per unit? Cost per unit refers to both the variable costs and fixed costs associated with producing and delivering a single unit of any product to an end consumer. Monitoring your cost of goods sold helps create context to set pricing and ensure profit is generated.

How to calculate electricity bill? ›

Steps for Electricity Bill Calculator:
  1. electricity cost(per day) = (Σ energy consumption)*cost per unit 1000.
  2. energy consumption = 18 * 6 * ( 18 + 30 60. ) = 1998 wh.
  3. energy consumption = 60 * 3 * ( 12 + 00 60. ) = 2160 wh.
  4. energy consumption = 120 * 1 * ( 9 + 00 60. ...
  5. electricity cost(per day) = (1998 + 2160 + 1080) * 2 1000.

How is electricity bill calculated in Telangana? ›

Step 1: You must subtract the current meter reading from the reading from last month in order to get the power consumption for the current month. Step 2: Once you are aware of the precise amount of energy consumed, you can multiply the units by the per-unit charges to determine the energy charge.

How many units is zesco 200? ›

K3,100 will give you 1,525.6 units. 32. K3,200 will give you 1,568.8 units.

What is the unit of 1 unit of electricity? ›

The basic unit of electricity is the Kilowatt hour (kWh). In simple terms, 1 kWh is the amount of energy used by a 1kW (1000 watt) electric heater for 1 hour.

How many kWh is 1 unit? ›

One unit of electricity refers to 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) power.

How do you calculate kWh cost? ›

Calculating Energy Costs

The unit of electrical energy is the kilowatt-hour (kWh), found by multiplying the power use (in kilowatts, kW) by the number of hours during which the power is consumed. Multiply that value by the cost per kWh, and you have the total energy cost.

How do I calculate electricity consumption per unit? ›

Similar to the odometer on your car, which displays the actual distance traveled, an electricity meter displays the quantity of electricity consumed. So, if a 100-watt bulb is left on for 10 hours, it will use the following amount of energy: 100 x 10 = 1000 Watt-Hour = 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) = 1 unit (on your meter).

What is the cost of 1 unit electricity in India 2022? ›

The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) has issued a new tariff order for 2022-23. The government has withdrawn the Rs 7 per unit maximum slab for urban consumers and capped it at Rs 6.5 per unit.

What is the cost of 1 unit of power? ›

1 Unit Electricity Cost in Andhra Pradesh 2022? 1 unit electricity cost in Andhra Pradesh is Rs. 9.95.

What is the electricity tariff from April 2022? ›

Under the Energy Price Guarantee, these are capped until April 2023 at 10.33p per kWh for gas and 34.04p per kWh for electricity.

What is the cost of 1 unit electricity in Maharashtra 2022? ›

This amount will increase to Rs. 140 per month and per 10 KW, respectively, in FY 2021-22, and to Rs. 145 per month and per 10 KW, respectively, in FY 2022-23, and Rs.

How do you calculate unit cost? ›

To find the unit cost, one would use the unit cost formula. The unit cost formula is: Cost per unit = variable cost + fixed costs / total units produced.

How do you calculate one unit of electricity? ›

So, if a 100-watt bulb is left on for 10 hours, it will use the following amount of energy: 100 x 10 = 1000 Watt-Hour = 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) = 1 unit (on your meter).

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.