What is deuterium and what are normal deuterium levels?
Deuterium is a rare typeof hydrogen – only 155 out of every million hydrogens are deuterium. Its nucleus contains a protonanda neutron, which makes it twice the mass (weight/size) of regular hydrogen.We believe deuterium in tissueshould not exceed 130 ppm (parts per million). We base this value on the deuterium levels found in a broad number of plants, animals that are grass fed and the food products of grass fed animals - butter, milk, tallow, etc.
Why would my deuterium be high and where did it come from?
Deuterium is a naturally occurring element. You acquire deuterium through the food you eat, the liquids you drink and the air you breathe. Your body's ability to deplete deuterium decreases with weight gain, age, illness and lack of quality sleep.
How often should I repeat the deuterium tests?
That really depends on your condition and goals. We suggest that your physician request an "after test" following the completion of a planned therapy or after you've noticed or experienced a change in your health status whether that is something as simple as an increase in energy or weight loss or something as dramatic as a drop in blood sugar for diabetics or the slowing of tumor growth or downgrading of tumor markers for cancer patients.
How is deuterium depleted water made?
Deuterium-depleted water is almost always produced by an energy-demanding technology based on differences in the physicochemical properties of normal water (H2O) and heavy water (2H2O). Due to a boiling point difference of merely 1.5°C, the concentration of heavy water (with higher boiling point) is lower in the vapour phase and this fact is utilized for producing deuterium-depleted water. By repeating evaporation several times in so-called distillation columns, the deuterium content of water can be reduced to any level.
Is DDW another name for alkaline or Kangen water?
The well-studied biologic and physiologic effects of DDW are a result of it being deuterium depleted althought they also have an alkaline pH. Simple alkaline waters and Kangen waters are not equivalent or comparable and have not shown the same effects or benefits in peer-reviewed studies nor anecdotally.
How much DDW water should I drink each day?
Deuterium depleted water (DDW) should be consumed based on thirst and deuterium depletionprotocols. Patients and athletes who eat our deuterium depleted ketotherapeutic meals often only drink two or so glasses of DDWper day. Those who drink DDWwithout being strict followers of high fat dieting will drink up to a bottle a day or more. This difference is because your body produces 1.1 kilogramsof water from every kilogram of fat consumed, meaning those that consume fat are less thirsty.
Can I use the DDW to make coffee and tea?
Absolutely, this is how Preventa should be used. As much as possible of your water based intake - tea, coffee, soups and other drinks - should be made using Preventa.
Are there other suppliers of DDW?
Yes, there are and we're sure others will be popping up. However, none of them are pharmaceutical grade or as well studied in thousands of people as Preventa. Until such time that there are, we only recommend and work with patients, healthcare professionals and clients whouse Preventa for their deuterium depletion therapy.
Can I make DDW at home?
Home distillers can only decrease deuterium by 1 ppm in a single run or by 2 to 3 ppm if doubly or triply distilled. This is essentially no change in the deuterium concentration of water and will likely result in no difference in biological effects than water that wasn't home distilled. Substantial decrease in a water's deuterium content can be achieved only by an industrial scale technology, fractional distillation. Preventa products contain 15 to 84% less deuterium than our natural waters as opposed to the 1 to 1.5% of most home distilleries.
What should I eat while I’m drinking DDW?
We highly suggest that you eat our deuterium-depleted ketotherapeuticmeals until you are in the desired therapeutic zone and are able to make your own deuterium depleted diet. Natural greens and fat based diets, no processed food or carbohydrates above their natural source in food.
What foods are high and low in deuterium?
Sugars, carbohydrates, proteins and processed food products coming from the food industry may have high deuterium, especially when they contain gene modified (GMO) products, while natural fatty food (grass fed cow butter and steaks, cheese, plant oils and phytochemicals that we call low carbohydrate ketogenic diets have low deuterium. CignatureHealth can also measure deuterium in food and drinks.
What is the ketotherapeutic meal?
Aketotherapeutic meal is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate foodthat results in a predictable decrease in blood glucose and increase in blood ketones when used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. In medicine, our ketotherapeuticmeals are used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children, cancer, obesity, Prader-Willi Sydrome and Alzheimer's. A diet based on ketotherapeutic foods forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates and produce ketones, a deuterium-depleted source of energy for mitochondria.
Any thoughts or advice on gut issues on a low carb diet?
If you feel the need to go more slowly in reducing carbs (to wean off of them without the digestive distress or cravings) while your body adjusts to this new way of eating, you can keep a little bit of yams and carrots in your diet.
Please do keep in mind, however, that by doing this you will be adding deuterium to your diet and you should drink slightly more deuterium depleted water after eating carbs to counteract their effects.
Won’t I get fat eating fat?
This is one of those ideas that is simply hard to kill. Fat doesn't get you fat, and overabundance of calories from carbohydrates seems to be the culprit. In fact, fat is the only type of food that can be completely burned for energy and turned into water plusCO2,while oxygen is being consumed. We can't say the same for carbohydrates or proteins.
Is a keto-lifestyle diet good for me long term?
Ketogenic diets, like any other popular lifestyle diet, is usually safe long-term as long as it contains adequate protein, fiber and minerals to meet your goals and keep you healthy. This is not to be confused with a ketotherapeutic diet which is often used as an alternative medical therapy or an adjunct nutritional therapy to support those being treated for a metabolic disease, illness or condition. Medical diets are only intended to last a lifetime for those patients who cannot live without them and require oversight and guidance by a trained medical professional.
Should I take vitamins while on deuterium depletion therapy?
We tend to recommend a natural, well-balanced green and fat-rich diet that will provide you the same vitamins and minerals as whole-foods like capsaicin, green tea and the phytochemicals of green paprika.
Can I eat fruits during deuterium depletion therapy?
Fruits are functional foods with high sugar and deuterium content. We, therefore, tend to steer our clients away from them unless they are very healthy and metabolically active. Even in this case, suggest that they only consume fruits during the ripening period of their intended growing season and in moderation (one or two pieces of non-GMO fruits a day).
How long should I drink deuterium depleted water or eat deuterium depleted food?
That is totally dependent on your health goals and the protocols your healthcare specialist has prescribed for you. We will be more than happy to talk to you about the specifics of your depletion therapy once we have been given your entire protocol, including those related to your standard of care treatments.
I’m pretty healthy and would like to know if there are reasons for me to use it?
Our "healthy" clients drink Preventa water and eat Preventa meals for a variety of reasons - to improveathletic performance, to feel even better, to increase cognition, to lose a little more body fat and as an anti-aging tool. We're sure there are more. Some of them simply like the taste better and say that it feels lighter and more clean on their palate.