AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (2024)

AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (1)

AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (2)

  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (3)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (4)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (5)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (6)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (7)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (8)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (9)
  • AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (10)


INDEX NO. 067753/2014FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 0970272015 09:59 AMNYSCEF DOC. NO. 72 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/02/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK anne eK AFFIRMATION IN WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS OPPOSITION TO TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, PLAINTIFF’S CROSS SERIES 2004-OPTI, ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH MOTION FOR CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-OPTI, SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND IN SUPPORT OF Plaintiff, DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS -against- PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT KWAME BOAKYE-YIADOM; SLOMINS, INC.; UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; DIRECT Index #: 067753/2014 MERCHANTS; PALISADES ACQUISITION, XVII, LLC, ASSIGNED TO “JOHN DOE #1” through “John Doe #12,” the last HONORABLE twelve names being fictitious and unknown to the plaintiff, JOSEPH C. PASTORESSA the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or Return Date claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, September 9, 2015 described in the complaint, Defendants. en mene nemen enn K Carlos R. Clavel, being an attorney, duly admitted to practice law before the courts of the State of New York, hereby affirm the following. 1 Tam an associate with Siben & Siben, LLP, the attorneys for Kwame Boakye Yiadom. 2 Iam fully familiar with the facts and circ*mstances herein based on conversations with the defendant as well as a review of the documentation on our file and the court documents I obtained. 3 The defendant Kwame Boakye-Yiadom requests that the Court: (a) deny the plaintiff's cross motion for summary judgment and accordingly deny the order of reference; (b) grant the defenses raised in the answer; (c) dismiss the plaintiffs action for lack of jurisdictionunder CPLR § 3211 (a)(8), lack of jurisdiction under CPLR § 308 (2), lack of standing pursuant toCPLR § 3211 (a)(3), dismissal for failure to state a cause of action under CPLR 3211 (a)(7); (@)denial of the plaintiff's request for a Referee and an Order that the sale of the property cannot bedone; and (e) for such other further and different relief as that Court deems just and proper. 4 In the alternative, the property is owner occupied and the Court should schedule asettlement conference in accordance with CPLR § 3408. The plaintiff has brought this motionseeking summary judgment and an order of reference in this residential mortgage foreclosureaction. The defendant previously submitted an Answer dated November 14, 2014. THE COURTSHOULD NOTE that a settlement conference was in fact held on June 22, 2015 the matter was onlyreferred to I.A.S. because the bank represented that over $800,000.00 was owed on the mortgage. Intheir opposition papers they now allege that in paragraph 13, the defendant owes to the plaintiff$481,564.51 plus interests, late charges and advances. It is respectfully submitted that if this Courtdoes not dismiss this action for lack of service, that it should schedule a settlement conference. LACK OF JURISDICTION 5 Here, service upon a suitable age person was improper as plaintiff failed to serve aperson of suitable age and discretion at the actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place ofabode of the person to be served. CPLR §308(2) provides that service has to be the actual dwellingplace or the usual place of abode of the person to be served. The defendant’s affidavit states thatneither he nor a suitable age person was ever served with a copy of the summons at his dwellingplace or usual place of abode 396 North Service Road, Manorville, New York 11949. Rather theplaintiff's process server served a copy of the summons and complaint to an unknown individualwho the process server unreasonably and falsely assumed was the defendant’s wife located at 40Lincoln Road, Apt. 3H, Brooklyn, New York 11225. The defendant clearly stated that he adamantlydenied ever living, residing or knowing anyone who resides at 40 Lincoln Road, Apt. 3H, Brooklyn,New York 11225; that he was never married and therefore does not know the individual describedin the Affidavit of Service as being a female that is Black with Black Hair age 50 and standing 5S’ 7”with weight of 150 Ibs. A copy of the plaintiff's Affidavit of Service dated October 14, 2014 isannexed hereto as Exhibit “A”. 6 The defendant resides at 396 North Service Road, Manorville, New York 11949.These premises are occupied by the defendant and are not vacant. The affidavit of service datedJanuary 21, 2015 stated that only one attempt was made on January 21, 2015 at 6:30 pm to serve thedefendant. Because service was not properly effectuated upon the defendant the plaintiff withoutany other proof simply claimed that the property was vacant when in fact said property is a premisesoccupied by the defendant as his residence. A copy of the plaintiff's Affidavit of Service datedJanuary 21, 2015 is annexed hereto as Exhibit “B”. The Index Number was purchased onSeptember 23, 2014. 120 days ended on January 21, 2015. THE COURT SHOULD NOTE that theaffidavit of service shows a mailing made on January 22, 2015 which would be past the 120 days toeffectuate service. Therefore, even this attempt at service in January 22, 2015 is improper and doesnot cure plaintiff's improper service. 7. In the defendant, Kwame Boakye-Yiadom’s, Affidavit dated January 10, 2015 hestated in paragraph 4 that, “...the process server mistakenly served a copy of this summons andcomplaint on October 14, 2014 to an unknown individual who the process server unreasonablyassumed was his wife located at 40 Lincoln Road, Apt. 3H, Brooklyn, New York 11225. Theprocess server then claims to have mailed a copy of that summons and complaint to that address 40Lincoln Road, Apt. 3H, Brooklyn, New York 11225. I most adamantly deny ever living or residingat that address 40 Lincoin Road, Apt. 3H, Brooklyn, New York 11225. Also, I do not know anyonewho resides at that address. Additionally, I have never been married and therefore I do not have awife. I do not know of any individual as described in the Affidavit of Service as being a female thatis Black with Black hair age 50 and standing 5’ 7” with weight of 150 Ibs.” 8 This court should dismiss the plaintiff's summons and complaint based on lack ofjurisdiction due to improper service, lack of standing, failure to state a cause of action and anyother such different and further relief as this court deems just and proper. THE COURT SHOULD DENY THE PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 9 The plaintiff has now brought this motion seeking summary judgment against thedefendants and an order of reference. The plaintiff has submitted the affidavit of Richard Work,vice president of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, the servicer for the plaintiff herein, sworn to onJanuary 27, 2015, and the affirmation of plaintiff's counsel, dated February 2, 2015, together withexhibits attached thereto in support of the motion. The plaintiff contends that the defendantsdefaulted in making payments under the terms of the mortgage and that subsequent thereto allamounts due under the note and mortgage was accelerated. Further, the plaintiff argues that thepapers submitted in support of the motion are sufficient to make a prima facie showing ofentitlement to summary judgment against the defendants and an order of reference in thisforeclosure action.10. The defendants oppose the plaintiff's motion for summary judgment and assert thattheir Answer which sought dismissal of the plaintiff's complaint should be granted. ll. The defendants also contend that the plaintiff's motion should be denied on theground that the plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is premature and that they should beallowed discovery on the status of the plaintiff as the holder of the note and mortgage and thevalidity of the purported assignments. The defendant claims that the papers submitted in support ofthe plaintiff's motion are not sufficient to establish the plaintiff's standing to bring this foreclosureaction. The defendant questions whether the affidavit submitted by Richard Work is sufficient sincethe record indicates that he is an employee of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, rather than the plaintiff,and they argue that it is unclear whether he has personal knowledge of the facts. The defendant alsopoint out that the assignment of mortgage to the plaintiff and the allonge to the underlying notemade by Option One Mortgage transferring the note to the plaintiff were executed by differentindividuals. But that the power of attorney documents purporting to grant said individuals theauthority to execute same have not been provided by the plaintiff. 12. Summary judgment is a drastic remedy, but may be awarded when no issues of factexist, (see, CPLR 3212 [b]; Andre v. Pomeroy, 35 N.Y.2d 361, 364, 320 N.E.2d 853, 362 N.Y.S.2d131 (Ct. App., 1974). In order to be successful on a motion for summary judgment, the movingparty must make a prima facie showing of entitlement to judgment as a matter of law by providingsufficient evidence to demonstrate the absence of any material issues of fact, Winegrad v. NewYork University Medical Center, 64 N.Y.2d 851, 853, 476 N.E.2d 642, 487 N.Y.S.2d 316 (Ct.App., 1985). Failure on the part of the moving party to make such a prima facie showing requires adenial of the motion, regardless of the sufficiency of the opposing papers, Alvarez _v. ProspectHospital, 68 NY2d 320, 324, 501 N.E.2d 572, 508 N.Y.S.2d 923 (Ct. App., 1986). This burden hasnot been satisfied by the plaintiff herein. 13. However, if such a showing has been made, the burden shifts to the party opposingthe motion to produce evidence in admissible form that is sufficient to establish that material issuesof fact exist which require a trial, Alvarez _v. Prospect Hospital, supra, 68 N.Y.2d at p. 324;Zuckerman v. City of New York, 49 NY2d 557, 562, 404 N.E.2d 718, 427 N.Y.S.2d 595 (Ct. App.,1980). 14. First, with respect to the plaintiff's motion, the Court should find that the plaintiff hasfailed to make a prima facie showing of entitlement to summary judgment and an order of referencesince it has failed to adequately demonstrate that it has standing to bring this foreclosure action.Where, as here, the plaintiff's standing or legal capacity to sue has been challenged in the pleadings,the plaintiff must prove its standing in order to be entitled to relief, (see, U.S. Bank NationalAssociation v. Faruque, 120 A.D.3d 575, 991 N.Y.S.2d 630, 2014 N.Y. Slip Op. 05785 (2™ Dept.,2014). 15. The plaintiff must then demonstrate that it is both the holder or assignee of thesubject mortgage and the holder or assignee of the underlying note at the time the action iscommenced, (see, Kondaur Capital Corp. v. McCary, 115 AD3d 649, 650, 981 N.Y.S.2d 547, 2014N.Y. Slip Op. 01438 qa Dept., 2014). A written assignment of the underlying note or the physicaldelivery of the note prior to the commencement of the foreclosure action is necessary to transfer theobligation and the mortgage passes with the debt, U.S. Bank N.A. v. Collymore, 68 AD3d 752, 754,890 N.Y.S.2d 578, 2009 N.Y. Slip Op. 09019 (2" Dept., 2009). In this instance, the Court shouldfind that the conclusory statement contained in the affidavit of Richard Work regarding theplaintiff's possession of the note lacks any details of a physical delivery of the note and thus fails toestablish that the plaintiff had physical possession of the note prior to the commencement of theaction. (See, U.S. Bank National Association v. Faruque, supra at 633; Deutsche Bank NationalTrust Company v. Haller, 100 AD3d 680, 682, 954 N.Y.S.2d 551, 2012 N.Y. Slip Op. 07619 2"Dept., 2012); cf. Aurora Loan Servicing, LLC v. Taylor, 114 AD3d 627, 980 N.Y.S.2d 475, 2014N.Y. Slip Op. 00625 24 Dept., 2014). Moreover, to the extent that the plaintiff relies upon theassignment of mortgage and allonge documents attached to the plaintiffs motion papers to establishstanding, the Court should finds that such documentary evidence is insufficient since it does notinclude a copy of the power of attorney or instrument granting authority for any of the documentsthat were executed by an attorney-in-fact or authorized agent. (See, Deutsche Bank National TrustCompany vy. Haller, supra at 682). 16. The plaintiff has not established a prima facie entitlement to a judgment offoreclosure as a matter of law. Accordingly, the Court should dismiss the summary judgmentmotion and the order of reference should not be granted. 17. The Answer submitted by the defendant in response to the Plaintiff's complaintdated November 19, 2014 in which the affirmative defenses requesting dismissal were timely raisedincluding but not limited to: 1. lack of jurisdiction under CPLR §3211 (a)(8) because the Courtlacks jurisdiction of the person of the defendant; 2. CPLR §308 (2) seeking dismissal of thecomplaint for lack of jurisdiction; and 3. Dismissal of the Plaintiff's complaint for failure to state acause of action under CPLR §3211 (a)(7). A copy of the defendant’s Answer is annexed hereto asExhibit “C”. Wherefore, your affirmant respectfully requests, this court dismiss the plaintiff's crossmotion for summary judgment, dismiss the summons and complaint based on lack of jurisdictiondue to improper service, lack of standing, failure to state a cause of action and any other suchdifferent and further relief as this court deems just and proper.Dated: September 1, 2015 Bay Shore, New York LeCarlos R. Clavel .SUPREME COURT : STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK— —.WELL FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP. MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST,SERIES 2004-OPTI, ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-OPTI, Plaintiff, -against-KWAME BOAKYE-YIADOM; SLOMINS, INC.;UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; DIRECTMERCHANTS; PALISADES ACQUISITION,XVII, uc,“JOHN DOE #1” through “John Doe #12,” the lastTwelve names being fictitious and unknown to thePlaintiff, the persons or parties intended being theTenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any,Having or claiming an interest in or lien upon thePremises, described in the complaint, Defendant. LT AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION To PLAINTIFF’S CROSS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT SIBEN & SIBEN, LLP Attorneys for Defendant, KWAME BOAKYE-YIADOM 90 East Main Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 (631) 665-3400— SS ATO: Siignature (Rule 130-1.1a)ATTORNEY(S):FOR: Lo fh SIBEN & SIBEN, LLPService of a copy of the withinDated,is héreby admittedNOTICE OF SETTLEMENT NOTICE OF ENTRYSir: Please take notice that an order Sir: Please take notice that theof which the within is a true copy within is a (certified) true copy of awill be presented to the duly entered. in the Office of the one of the Judges of the Clerk of the within Supreme Courtwithin. named. court, .on Suffolk County, named Court onthe day of at the day. of , 2010aMTo: To:

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Jul 16, 2024 |20TRCV00847

Case Number: 20TRCV00847 Hearing Date: July 16, 2024 Dept: 8 Tentative Ruling¿ ¿¿ HEARING DATE: July 16, 2024 ¿¿ CASE NUMBER: 20TRCV00847 ¿¿ CASE NAME: Drakk Holdings, LLC v. PSIP SN Vermont LLC, et al. ¿¿ MOVING PARTY: Defendant, PSIP SN Vermont, LLC ¿¿ RESPONDING PARTY: Plaintiff, Drakk Holdings, LLC ¿¿ TRIAL DATE: November 12, 2024 ¿¿ MOTION:¿ (1) Motion for Summary Judgment (2) DRAKKs objection to PSIPs Notice of Motion to Quash Deposition Ruling ¿ Tentative Rulings: (1) CONTINUED to allow the Zion Bank Deposition to be completed (2) Mooted in light of the Courts determination that, especially given the tentative against Drakk on the MSJ, The Zion Bank depo must go forward per CCP section 437c(h). The birth of counsels child is just cause to need to re-schedule a deposition that counsel was to be taking Discussion This Court requested the parties to discuss the issues identified at the previous hearing involving section 7.2.5 of the PSA. Both sides submitted 5 pages of briefs relating to the construction of Section 7.2.5, and the Court has digested those briefs. The Court has also reviewed Mr. Kenneallys July 3, 2024 Declaration. At the to-be-continued hearing that will occur after the Zion Bank deposition, the Court has these additional thoughts for counsel to consider between now and then. In DRAKKs supplemental opposition brief, it argues that Defendant failed to provide any admissible evidence that the Property complied with the Conditions of Approval regarding the Tentative Parcel Map. The Court is puzzled by this argument because the Final Map, not merely the Tentative, was filed as having been entirely approved nearly a year after the September 26, 2019 tentative approval letter from the County Department of Regional Planning. At the continued hearing, DRAKKs counsel should be prepared to explain how any of the 2019 conditions of approval are material in light of the filing of the Final Parcel Map. Does not the filing of the Final Parcel Map establish local approval? Does not the filing of the Final Map prove compliance with the Subdivision Map Act? Is there any evidence before the Court that Mr. Kenneally raised any allegedly unsatisfied specific condition of approval with DRAKK after Sean became alarmed about PSIPs Notice of the September 25, 2020 Tract Map recording? The Courts tentative ruling to grant the defense MSJ posits that PSIP has carried its initial burden on an MSJ, so the burden is shifted to DRAKK to show a disputed issue that is material to the determination of the motion. As to DRAKKs argument that the closing date should be construed to be at least 15 days after the last of the filing of the Final Map, CC&Rs and Access Agreement, the Court tentatively finds that argument does not raise any triable issue of material fact. The undisputed evidence before the Court is that the Final Parcel Map recorded on September 4, 2020, the CC&Rs recorded on October 1, 2020, and the Access Agreement recorded on October 6, 2020, all of which are more than 15 days before the last extended deadline of October 30, 2020. How does that chronology raise a triable issue of fact as to the closing date? And how does the absence of the map itself in evidence raise a material issue of fact if it is undisputed that it was recorded more than 15 days before the extended closing date? The Court will not take oral argument on these Court questions at the July 16, 2024 continued hearing, but will take argument as to the date to which the hearing should be continued so that the Zion Bank deposition can be taken and (a likely now) expedited transcript can be submitted. The Court tentatively will permit each side to file yet another up to 5-page supplemental brief bearing on what if anything the Court should consider from the Zion Bank testimony, and will take oral argument as to whether the briefs should be filed simultaneously or DRAKK should file first and PSIP be given a later date for its response.



Jul 18, 2024 |22STCV10115

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Jul 18, 2024 |23CV02337

23CV02337COX v. MROCZEK, et al. CONFIRMATION OF 6/28/24 ORDER TO GRANT DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO STRIKE COMPLAINT AND OBJECTION TO DECLARATION OF NONMONETARY STATUS The court has reviewed plaintiff’s Notification of Objection to and Disapproval of AnyProposed Order or Other Order: 1) Granting Defendants’ Motion to Strike the Complaint; or 2)Striking Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint. Plaintiff’s objections merely go to the process bywhich parties engage on proposed orders; CRC 3.1312 has no impact on the power of the courtto strike plaintiff’s amended complaint and dismiss this action. The court’s previous order of 6/28/24 granting defendants’ motion to strike plaintiff’samended complaint is confirmed, as is dismissal of this action. Defendants are ordered to submita formal dismissal order for the court’s signature. Page 1 of 2Notice to prevailing parties: Local Rule 2.10.01 requires you to submit a proposed formal orderincorporating, verbatim, the language of any tentative ruling – or attaching and incorporating thetentative by reference - or an order consistent with the announced ruling of the Court, inaccordance with California Rule of Court 3.1312. Such proposed order is required even if theprevailing party submitted a proposed order prior to the hearing (unless the tentative issimply to “grant”). Failure to comply with Local Rule 2.10.01 may result in the imposition ofsanctions following an order to show cause hearing, if a proposed order is not timely filed. Page 2 of 2



Jul 16, 2024 |24SMCV02485

Case Number: 24SMCV02485 Hearing Date: July 16, 2024 Dept: 207 TENTATIVE RULING DEPARTMENT 207 HEARING DATE July 16, 2024 CASE NUMBER 24SMCV02485 MOTION Motion to Quash Service of Summons MOVING PARTIES Defendants Lajos Gerbino and Edith Molnar OPPOSING PARTY none BACKGROUND On May 23, 2024, Plaintiff Silver Block Holding Company, LLC (Plaintiff) filed an unlawful detainer complaint against Defendants Lajos Gerbino and Edith Molnar (Defendants.) On June 13, 2024, Plaintiff applied for an order to serve the summons by posting, which was granted the same day. The next day, on June 14, 2024, Defendants moved in pro per to quash service of the summons and complaint. The Court has not yet received an opposition, although because this is an unlawful detainer action, Plaintiff may file and serve a written opposition the day before the hearing or may make an opposition orally at the time of the hearing. (California Rules of Court, rule 3.1327(b)-(c).) LEGAL STANDARDS A. SERVICE A summons in an action for unlawful detainer of real property may be served by posting if upon affidavit it appears to the satisfaction of the court in which the action is pending that the party to be served cannot with reasonable diligence be served in any manner specified in this article other than publication[.] (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.45, subd. (a).) The court shall order the summons to be posted on the premises in a manner most likely to give actual notice to the party to be served and direct that a copy of the summons and of the complaint be forthwith mailed by certified mail to such party at his last known address. (Id. at subd. (b).) Service is complete on the 10th day after posting and mailing. (Id. at subd. (c).) On June 13, 2024, Plaintiff applied for an order to serve Defendants by posting. That application included a declaration of diligence, outlining several unsuccessful attempts to personally serve Defendants with a copy of the summons and complaint. Plaintiffs application to post was granted the same day. The following day, June 14, Defendants filed the instant motion to quash, arguing that Plaintiff only left a copy of the first page of the Complaint with one person, and without completing substitute service. (Motion at p. 3; Gerbino Decl. at lines 16-18.) As a threshold matter, the Court finds Defendants proof of service for the motion faulty. It indicates the declarant, Chelsea Cooper served a copy of the notice of motion and motion to Plaintiffs counsel AS FOLLOWS. I am readily familiar with the firms practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited within U.S. Postal Service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at San Diego, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date of postage meter date is more than one day after the date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. This does not indicate that the declarant actually left the notice of motion and motion anywhere for mailing, or otherwise deposited it in the mail. Further, declarant does not specify which firm or firms practice the declarant refers to. Further, to the extent that, at the time Defendants filed the instant motion, Defendants had only received the copy of the summons that had been posted, such conduct would be consistent with service by posting, but such service would not yet have been complete, as service by posting is not complete until 10 days after posting and mailing a copy of the summons and complaint. CONCLUSION AND ORDER Therefore, the Court continues the hearing on the motion to September 23, 2024 at 8:30 A.M. in Department 207. Defendants shall provide notice of the motion and continued hearing by either personal service or by mail (regular or overnight) on or before July 26, 2024. Thereafter, Defendants shall file the notice with the Court with a proof of service on or before August 9, 2024. DATED: July 16, 2024 ___________________________ Michael E. Whitaker Judge of the Superior Court


U.S. Bank Trust, N.A. vs. Sells

Jul 16, 2024 |22CV-0200669

U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A. VS. SELLSCase Number: 22CV-0200669Tentative Ruling on Order to Show Cause Re Dismissal: An Order to Show Cause ReDismissal (hereinafter “OSC”) issued May 31, 2024, to Plaintiff’s Counsel for failure to submit aproposed judgment as ordered on September 25, 2023. Counsel has submitted a response to theOSC Re: Dismissal, and a Request to Vacate an Order of Sanctions that was made by JudgeBoeckman on May 28, 2024.The Court declines to vacate its May 31, 2024 Order imposing sanctions. That issue is not properlybefore the Court. That order was issued by another judge and Counsel failed to appear at thehearing on that matter.A proposed judgment was lodged with the Court on June 24, 2024. However, the Court notes thatthe proposed judgment identifies two street addresses for the subject property, each of which aredifferent from the street address identified in the Request for Court Judgment by Default. TheCourt needs further clarification as to the correct address. The ‘correctness’ of the judgment isnot at issue in the instant OSC. Only the failure to timely provide the Court with a proposedjudgment is at issue in this hearing. Having reviewed counsel’s declaration, the Court finds goodcause to vacate the instant OSCThe Court confirms today’s review hearing set for 9:00 a.m.****************************************************************************** 9:00 a.m. Review Hearings******************************************************************************


Eckelman, et al. vs. OLCO, Inc

Jul 17, 2024 |23CV-0202690

ECKELMAN, ET AL. VS. OLCO, INCCase Number: 23CV-0202690This matter is on calendar for review regarding status of the case and trial setting. The Court designates thismatter as a Plan II case and intends to set the matter for trial no later than January 22, 2025. The parties areordered to meet and confer prior to the hearing regarding proposed dates for trial. An appearance is necessaryon today’s calendar.


Keith Bravo v. Brookhaven Town Of

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Nicole Grogan v. Southampton Town Of

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Menli Mazor v. Islip Town Of

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Judith Dyer v. Brookhaven Town Of

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U.S. Bank National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Indenture Trustee For Legacy Mortgage Asset Trust 2019-Gs7 v. Harry A. Antario A/K/A HARRY ANTARIO A/K/A HARRY A. ANTARIO, SR., United States Of America - Department Of The Treasury - Internal Revenue Service, Fia Card Services, N.A., Tribeca Asset Management, Llc, Capital One Bank, Midland Funding Llc D/B/A In New York As Midland Funding Of Delaware Llc A/S/I/I To A Chase Account, Fhs Hair Club Of Hauppauge, Inc., People Of The State Of New York O/B/O Town Supervisor, Town Of Islip, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Joyce Brown

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AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO CROSS-MOTION (Motion #001) - affirmation in opposition September 02, 2015 (2024)
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