Adding Sugar for Higher Potential Alcohol (2024)

This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Read our complete summary for more info.

August 11, 2014

Last updated

Kyle Brown

Owner of Clawhammer Supply

Adding Sugar for Higher Potential Alcohol (2)Adding sugar to a solution before fermentation may be done for a variety of reasons. For example, a lot of homebrew recipes call for sugar additions. The Double IPA we brewed a while ago, for example, called for a 12 ounce dextrose addition. Adding highly fermentable sugar, such as dextrose, as opposed to adding more grain, will increase the ABV of the final product without increasing sweetness and malt character.

The chart below shows how many pounds of sugar are required to reach a particular potential alcohol percentage for a 1, 5, and 10 gallons of finished fermented beer, wine, etc. A couple of notes, this chart assumes that the fermentation will end at 1.000 specific gravity. This is possible, but keep in mind that many beer yeasts finish around 1.010.

Also, the chart assumes a starting point of zero sugar in the solution. But it is also useful useful if you make an all grain mash or a fruit mash and you want to increase potential ABV to a specific amount. Examples below.

Let's pretend that we make 5 gallon batch of what is supposed to be a Double IPA. The ABV for such a style is somewhere north of 7.5%. Assuming you add enough grains to craft a 6.3% ABV beer, according to the chart, you'll need to add at least 1lb of sugar to hit a potential alcohol of 7.5%, because adding 1lb of sugar will increase the potential alcohol by 1.2% for a 5 gallon batch.

Added Sugar vs. Potential Alcohol in 1, 5, and 10 Gallon Batches
Pounds of Sugar1 Gallon5 Gallons10 Gallons
1 lb.5.9%1.2%0.6%
2 lbs.11.9%2.3%1.2%
3 lbs.17.7%3.6%1.8%
3.5 lbs.20.5%4.1%2.1%
4 lbs.x4.8%2.3%
5 lbs.x5.9%3.0%
6 lbs.x7.1%3.6%
7 lbs.x8.3%4.1%
8 lbs.x9.5%4.8%
9 lbs.x10.7%5.4%
10 lbs.x11.9%5.9%
11 lbs.x13%6.6%
12 lbs.x14.2%7.1%
13 lbs.x15.4%7.7%
14 lbs.x16.5%8.3%
15 lbs.x17.7%8.9%
16 lbs.x18.8%9.5%
17 lbs.x20%10.1%
18 lbs.xx10.7%
19 lbs.xx11.2%
20 lbs.xx11.9%
21 lbs.xx12.4%
22 lbs.xx13%
23 lbs.xx13.5%
24 lbs.xx14.2%
25 lbs.xx14.7%
26 lbs.xx15.4%
27 lbs.xx15.9%
28 lbs.xx16.5%
29 lbs.xx17%
30 lbs.xx17.7%
31 lbs.xx18.2%
32 lbs.xx18.8%
33 lbs.xx19.5%
34 lbs.xx20%
Remember, while brewing is legal in almost all US states, distilling alcohol is illegal without a federal fuel alcohol or distilled spirit plant permit as well as relevant state permits. Our distillation equipment is designed for legal uses only and the information in this article is for educational purposes only. Please read our complete legal summary for more information on the legalities of distillation.

Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

  • 125lbs rye meal. Pour boiling water stir and let sit until crust forms. Then add cold water and 240 lbs sugar. Make sure this is 115 degrees F. Then add 1 lb bakers yeast and stir 50 more lbs rye meal. Break up all of the balls of rye and stir vigorously. Let sit for about 2 and 1/2 days or until the head clears off and then pour into the still “ steamer type. Boil water in the boiler go to the bottom of the still with a 1and 1/2 pipe. Made 3 of theses boil and run through a worm and you will have rye whisky

  • Fermentation woES: To all brewing friends…
    1. Don’t overpower your yeast with high sugar
    2. Step feed if you must add sugar
    3. Temperature could be the stalling issue
    4. Use staggered nutrients
    5. Air leaking airlock/bucket may cause you to think it’s stalled
    6. Keep enjoying the hobby with new tools😎

  • Thank you ALL for your posts! this helps me out tremendously! sugar content per gallon, temperature, yeast, ETC. above all thank you Kyle for your knowledge and helping people get it right.

  • Hello

    I used a turbo yeast 25lbs sugar 6 gallon waster yeast is working but very slow

    had around 20 abv 7 days still bubbling but only dropped to 14 % abv
    Really slow

  • I just started my first mash around 1 month ago, Corn, Barley, wheat and rye. Started seeing bubbling in air gap first night and it went crazy for 3 days then nothing, when I opened lid to fermenter it was still bubbling slowly. Started at SG at 1.080 and I tested it at 1.060. So read up on it and decided to just leave it alone and wait. Was fermenting at room temp (72°] never did see any bubbles in air gap again but mash was still slowly bubbling in fermenter. I opened fermenter after 1 month and tested sG at 0.095. My patience has been rewarded and I am glad I read up on everything I could before I started this adventure, it gets a little confusing with all the opinions and options but the more you research the more you can learn

  • thanks .

  • Question
    So, my 1st wash, 10lb sugar, 4.5 gallons water, about 10 tsp yeast, 5 tsp nutrient, bubbled great through the airlock, for about 3 hours, then nothing.
    Any ideas?

    Your yeast needs more water if you are using 10lbs of sugar. Typically you can use 8 To 10 LBs to 5 gal of water and the yeast will have plenty of hydration. Once the H2O count reduces and is replaced with alcohol the yeast will stop producing and In Turn stop bubbling.
    Water temp that falls below 90deg will also stop fermentation.

  • So, I have been making DIY co2 setups that I use i to infuse the co2 into a few planted aquariums that I have to help with plant growth. It dawned on me one day that at the same time, I’m also probably creating a very generic form of alcohol. I tased it one day. The smell and taste weren’t so good, slightly bitter, but damn it had a slight heat to it. LIke eating a good piece of rum cake and tasting the rum. So, my last batch I used 32oz of sugar to a half gallon of filtered water, and 7 gm of yeast. It bubbled like crazy within 24 hours, and did a great job for my 40 gal tank, but then when it stopped a few days later I was left with a very sweet, good tasting drink that I added grape flavoring to, but curious. There was a lot of settlement on the bottom, and the reaction was done. Did I ferment to the point that the yeast was killed off and I have a high volume of hooch now or was there not enough yeast nutrients to keep it alive, so it dies off and I should add more to continue to process?

  • Mike,

    My guess would be no nitrogen source for the yeast. Try adding DAP to the wash.
    (Diammonium phosphate)

  • Hi i am new to hombrew i see on you tube to start collecting hearts at 82c my new pot still only starts to run between 90-92c on a sugar wash ,it then makes it hard to judge when to start collecting heads stop then hearts ,i have tried on a gas ring and also a electric hot plate. Also on you tube i see people put out fore shot no heads just hearts. Please help.

  • I have a faux Bourbon recipe that really kick-ass,
    One box of generic corn flakes and 2 cups of malted 6 row barley or wheat per gallon of water,
    I put the corn flakes barley in an ice chest,then I use hot strike water about 170-180degrees. 2gallons to start,pour the hot water on the corn and barely stir close the lid for 6- 8 hours add cool water to make 5gallons pitch really does make a fine Spirit

  • Why does clawhammer never help lol.

  • So, my 1st wash, 10lb sugar, 4.5 gallons water, about 10 tsp yeast, 5 tsp nutrient, bubbled great through the airlock, for about 3 hours, then nothing.
    Any ideas?

  • cooked up a batch of thc/cbd infused hooch with 110 proof using shake and stem/root on the kicker.
    gonna have to let the batch rest a while in a reclaimed rye whiskey barrel.

    Base mash was corn/rye and sugar, turbo yeast/nutes taken to 13.4% before run.
    bit rough for first run, will see if aged results better, if not we got gallons of great hand sanitizer.

    remember to discard the heads, better safe it letting more off than not.

  • Is this chart the same for corn sugar and cane sugar? Also can I use corn sugar along with corn syrup? If so do you have any suggested recipes? Thanks

  • loads of questions no answers ??

  • 100 pounds dextrose, 25 pounds cane sugar, 2 pounds yeast nutrient, 2 gallons high pulp Orange juice. Top off to 50 gallons. Let sit overnight to ambient air temp and add 1 cup disstilers yeast.

  • Hello,iam newbie in home wine making. I face the challenge of amount of sugar and yeast needed for 20l vessel..please help

  • Hello, This is Freddy from Tanzania, Its my first time to start wine making at home..but i face the challenge of amount of sugar and yeast needed for 20L vessel.

  • Can I use the same Chart to make a fruit based wine. I’m looking for strong alcohol yield.

  • 1
  • 2
Adding Sugar for Higher Potential Alcohol (2024)


Adding Sugar for Higher Potential Alcohol? ›

Assuming you add enough grains to craft a 6.3% ABV beer, according to the chart, you'll need to add at least 1lb of sugar to hit a potential alcohol of 7.5%, because adding 1lb of sugar will increase the potential alcohol by 1.2% for a 5 gallon batch.

Does adding sugar to alcohol make it stronger? ›

Sugar added to alcohol after fermentation in the form of fruit juices, soft drinks, or a sugar rim won't make the alcohol stronger. In fact, the sugar in these drinks may actually slow down the absorption rates of alcohol because your body has something extra (the sugar) to metabolize.

How much sugar to add to increase ABV? ›

Simple sugars are another great option to boost ABV. One pound of sugar adds approximately 1.009 specific gravity points per 5 gallons.

Does adding sugar increase fermentation? ›

A higher output of ethanol indicates a higher rate of cell respiration. A higher concentration of glucose will increase ethanol production because sugar molecules will be more readily available for the cell to use for fermentation.

Does sugar amplify alcohol? ›

The second experiment also showed that sugar can attenuate alcohol intoxication in fasting humans without altering blood alcohol levels significantly.

What happens if you add sugar to vodka? ›

By adding sugar, which increases the overall volume but does not contribute to the ethanol content, the alcoholic strength of the flavored vodka is reduced. Consequently, flavored vodkas with added sugar generally have a lower ABV compared to their non-flavored counterparts.

How much sugar makes 1% alcohol? ›

It has become a 'rule of thumb' to expect that 1 Baume = 1.8 Brix = 18 g/L sugar = 1% potential alcohol. It is important to remember that Baume and Brix do not actually measure a sugar concentration or sugar weight per unit volume. Instead they measure the specific gravity of a solution, or a volume measurement only.

Can you add too much sugar to beer? ›

Further, you can add too much sugar to beer and end up with something much closer to cider than beer. With too much sugar, the yeast gets overwhelmed and dies off, leaving you with a sickly sweet drink that you'll have to market as something other than beer for sure.

What is the addition of sugar to a must to increase alcohol known as? ›

Chaptalization is the process of adding sugar to unfermented grape must in order to increase the alcohol content after fermentation. The technique is named after its developer, the French chemist Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal.

What makes alcohol more stronger? ›

Carbonation – Carbonated alcoholic drinks increase the rate of alcohol absorption. This is because the pressure inside the stomach and small intestine force the alcohol to be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Sugars and juices mixed with alcohol also speed up the absorption rate.

Can you add too much sugar when making wine? ›

(By contrast, wines made from flowers and herbs — ingredients with essentially no sugar — need at least 3 pounds of added sugar per gallon.) However, overloading the must with sugar can overwhelm the yeast and make it difficult for fermentation to begin.

How to make wine more potent? ›

In a five-gallon batch, a pound of sugar, whether it's honey or table sugar, should raise the ABV (alcohol by volume) roughly three-fourths of a percent. Go easy, as too much alcohol is as bad as too little. Avoid going above 13 percent alcohol by volume (about 25° Brix).

How much ABV does sugar add? ›

On average, you will see about a 10 point rise in gravity readings for every lb of corn sugar you add, or roughly 1% in alcohol in a 5 gallon batch.

When to add sugar in beer? ›

Adding sugar near the end of the boil or at flameout ensures even dissolution without affecting hops utilization. Alternatively, sugar can also be introduced part way through fermentation as an incremental feeding.

Is too much sugar bad for fermentation? ›

But contrary to reason, it is possible to have too much sugar in a fermentation. If the sugar concentration level of the must becomes too high at any given point--either at the beginning or during the fermentation--it starts to have an inhibiting effect on the yeast's ability to produce alcohol.

What happens when you put sugar in rubbing alcohol? ›

Isopropyl alcohol dissolves the sugar and color very well. Mineral oil dissolves a small amount of the sugar and color.

Can sugar make you feel drunk? ›

Auto brewery syndrome is a rare condition in which your body turns sugary and starchy foods into alcohol. This can cause symptoms as if you were drunk, even if you haven't had any alcohol. Auto brewery syndrome is also known as gut fermentation syndrome and endogenous ethanol fermentation.

What happens to sugar when making alcohol? ›

Alcoholic fermentation, also referred to as ethanol fermentation, is a biological process by which sugar is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeasts are responsible for this process, and oxygen is not necessary, which means that alcoholic fermentation is an anaerobic process.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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