256 Nursing Research Topics & Titles for Students | OvernightEssay Blog (2024)

256 Nursing Research Topics & Titles for Students | OvernightEssay Blog (1)

Nursing research is one of the most critical aspects of the healthcare system, alongside biomedical research. Nurses need to know how to properly look after the health and safety of patients throughout their sickness and recovery. The practice is evidence-based, and new methods of patient care are being developed constantly.

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This field covers everything from care for older adults to working in the emergency department. It involves various types of studies to determine the best methods of providing medical assistance to people in different situations.

Nursing research can be qualitative and quantitative, depending on observational and statistical evidence. On this page, our experts have come up with titles and examples for either area. You will find a list of nursing research topics and helpful writing tips. All of them will help you to conduct your original study.

Table of Contents

  1. 🔝 Top 12 Research Topics in Nursing

  2. 👩‍⚕️ Good Research Topics

  3. đź’Š Easy Nursing Topics

  4. 🩸 Hot Nursing Research Titles

  5. 🧪 Evidence-Based Nursing Topics

  6. đź’‰ Bonus List of Research Topics

  7. ✍️ Writing Tips

  8. đź”— References

🔝 Top 12 Research Topics in Nursing

  1. The science behind personalized diets.

  2. Managing phantom pain.

  3. Neonatal care: Labor and delivery.

  4. Treatment for patients with hypertension.

  5. Aid for postpartum depression.

  6. Childhood obesity & community health.

  7. First aid for allergic reactions.

  8. Vaccination against measles.

  9. Care for people with mental health disorders.

  10. Nursing care strategies for patients with cancer.

  11. The influence of alcoholism on the human body.

  12. Rehabilitation after the heart surgery.

👩‍⚕️ Good Research Topics for Nursing Students

  1. Organization of the nursing practice educational process.

  2. The primary duties and professional actions of a nurse.

  3. The sequence of practice in therapeutic, surgical, and pediatric departments.

  4. Means of diagnosis of the level of training of future nurses.

  5. The purpose and tasks of the educational discipline “nursing.”

  6. The nursing practice under the supervision of a teacher.

  7. Basic principles of medical ethics and deontology in nursing.

  8. Organization of regimen and care for patients with various diseases.

  9. Maintenance of medical documentation by a nurse of a medical institution.

  10. The significant manipulations of the nurse in manipulation and procedure rooms.

  11. Application by a nurse of modern examination methods in diagnostics.

  12. Moral, ethical, and legislative principles of nursing.

  13. Basic rules for storing medicinal products and tools.

  14. A nurse’s responsibilities: Maintaining medical and protective, sanitary, and hygienic regimes.

  15. The documentation filled out by the post nurse, and the rules for its management.

  16. Rules for providing patients with tablet and soluble medicines.

  17. The technique of performing subcutaneous, intramuscular injections.

  18. Rules for applying warming, cold, and medical compresses.

  19. What helps the implementation of the nursing process at a professional level?

  20. Does the nurse need to know the risk factors, clinical manifestations, and complications?

  21. The need to ensure the infectious safety of the patient and staff.

  22. Respect for patients’ values, customs, and spiritual beliefs as a component of the nurse’s work.

  23. Cases of disrespect for a patient’s confidential personal information by a nurse.

  24. The importance of moral and ethical norms in the work of a nurse.

  25. Modern ethical normative documents of international medical organizations on the work of a nurse.

  26. Comprehensive care of patients and alleviation of their suffering as a nurse’s duty.

  27. Cases when the nurse has the right to hide professional information from the patient.

  28. The nurse and the patient’s right to consent to or refuse medical intervention.

  29. The nurse’s duty to maintain professional secrecy.

  30. A nurse as a participant in scientific research and the educational process.

  31. High professionalism of a nurse as a crucial moral factor.

  32. How should a nurse respond when they witness illegal or erroneous actions of colleagues?

  33. Guarantees and protection of the legal rights of a nurse.

  34. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle by a nurse.

  35. A nurse as a doctor’s assistant during operations and other medical manipulations.

  36. Peculiarities of teaching patients and their relatives how to care for patients properly.

  37. The initial stage of professional education of a nurse.

  38. Examples of modern professional training of medical specialists.

  39. What new educational subjects from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary training should be introduced and why?

  40. Influence of individual characteristics of future nurses on professional formation and development.

  41. Tense social and psychological situations of professional activity.

  42. The current level of development of medical science and healthcare.

  43. Aspects of formation of professional competence of nurses.

  44. The system of training nurses to meet health care needs.

  45. Psychological and pedagogical principles of managing the process of training nurses.

  46. Improving the quality of training of young medical specialists.

  47. What role do features of the intellectual sphere play in the activities of a future nurse?

  48. Emotional and volitional qualities of a nurse’s personality.

  49. What is necessary to form the professional competence of a future nurse?

  50. The desire for self-development and self-realization in the future professional activity of a nurse.

  51. What basic knowledge helped dramatically during nursing practice?

đź’Š Easy Nursing Topics

  1. The nursing profession and elderly care.

  2. How are nursing professionals educated?

  3. What is necessary to become a nurse?

  4. What kind of people becomes nurses?

  5. Is a career in nursing only for women?

  6. Nursing work and supporting community health.

  7. Types of nursing professions and specializations.

  8. How do nurses support mental health?

  9. Wellness of nurses in care settings.

  10. Effect of nursing work on mental well-being.

  11. The role of nursing leaders in hospital administration.

  12. Nursing work and promoting patient advocacy.

  13. Importance of nursing in healthcare management.

  14. Nurses as a middleman between patients and doctors.

  15. What is the role of nurses in a healthcare setting?

  16. Correct ways of drug administration in nursing.

  17. Responsibility in nursing and patient care.

  18. Dangers of improper nursing care for patients.

  19. Differences in nurse certification and accreditation.

  20. Do other professionals recognize nurses?

  21. Are nurses paid enough for their work?

  22. The role of nurses and nursing leaders in child healthcare.

  23. Benefits of evidence-based nursing for patients.

  24. Electronic healthcare records and healthcare efficiency.

  25. How do nurses promote health diversity and equity?

  26. Nursing and caring for people of color.

  27. Diversity in nursing and adjacent care.

  28. The role of nurses in critical patient care.

  29. The right to die, euthanasia, and nurses.

  30. Importance of nurses in critical care.

  31. Nurse practitioners – differences and similarities.

  32. Pursuing a nursing career as a recent graduate.

  33. Psychiatric nursing and its effects on the population.

  34. How do nurses relieve the pain of their patients?

  35. Promoting patient safety and proper practice.

  36. Catheter usage in nursing and potential issues.

  37. Potential dangers and threats of medical care.

  38. Medical arguments in nursing and managing conflict.

  39. Nursing care for pregnant individuals and childcare.

  40. The physical strain of the nursing profession.

  41. What should be done to raise better-qualified nurses?

  42. The wage gap between nurses and doctors.

  43. Recognition of nursing achievement among doctors.

  44. How do different types of nurses complement patient care?

  45. Nursing depends on the healthcare institution.

  46. History of the nursing profession in the US.

  47. Nursing, healthcare, and religious values.

  48. Right to refuse care on religious terms.

  49. Does the Hippocratic apply to nursing?

  50. How can nurses help patients cope with stress?

  51. Nurses and communicating with the patient’s family.

  52. Potential future of nurses and the nursing profession.

  53. New research developments in the nursing sphere.

  54. How does research shape the current trends in nursing?

  55. Why do female school bullies become nurses?

  56. Workplace stress, strain, and nursing responsibilities.

  57. Impact of the pandemic on the nursing profession.

  58. Nursing in the age of smartphones and remote care.

  59. How do nurses effectively communicate?

  60. Nurses and electronic healthcare delivery.

  61. What are the main competencies of nurses?

  62. Are nurses less qualified than doctors?

  63. Disagreements in nursing and patient care.

  64. Critical patient care is an essential facet of nursing.

  65. Professional responsibility of healthcare workers and nursing.

  66. Verbal abuse and other dangers facing nurses in patient care.

  67. Patient perception and opinions about nurses.

  68. Patient attitude to nursing work and competency.

  69. Nursing and nurse leadership as the profession of the future.

  70. Contribution of nurses to the field of medicine.

  71. Contribution of nurses to healthcare insurance.

  72. Are nurses more stressed than doctors?

  73. Objectification of nurses as care providers.

  74. Psychotherapy and mental health support for nurses.

  75. Do nurses suffer from depression or mental disorders more often?

  76. Leading causes of depression among nurses.

  77. Nursing and the effect of emotional labor in healthcare.

  78. Acute patient care settings and responsible nursing.

  79. Nursing protests and activism for social change.

  80. Nurses as trend-setters for innovation and change.

  81. Problem-solving in hospitals and patient care settings.

  82. Nursing and nurse education across different countries.

  83. Nursing culture, learning, and standard practices.

  84. Nursing work and other adjacent professions.

  85. Supporting the mental health of victims via intervention.

  86. Nursing intervention, operation, and care.

  87. Mitigating conflict between nurses as a leader.

  88. What is necessary for a nursing leader?

  89. Nursing and role of women in healthcare.

  90. Availability of nursing lessons in colleges.

  91. Nursing profession and the necessity of altruism.

  92. Nursing as an extension of the selfless personality.

  93. Nursing and compassion for other individuals.

  94. Nursing as an avenue for creating better patient outcomes.

🩸 Hot Nursing Research Titles Examples

  1. The role of patient satisfaction in nursing care.

  2. Digital health: A new dimension in nursing care.

  3. How do electronic health records affect health care quality and use?

  4. Considerations for utilizing the power of nursing under the Affordable Care Act.

  5. Diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing care.

  6. How to enhance nurse collaboration and communication?

  7. Nursing advocacy through social media.

  8. Discourse on race and racism in nursing in the United States.

  9. The benefits and risks of IoT in healthcare.

  10. The benefits of big data applications in nursing.

  11. Possibilities range from artificial intelligence to augmented intelligence.

  12. Training and educating nurses for telehealth roles.

  13. Tobacco use: How nurses may assist patients in quitting?

  14. Screening, intervention, and referral in clinical settings

  15. The power of nurses in affordable care promotion.

  16. Ethical implications for sexual harassment in nursing.

  17. The importance of nursing ethics education and promotion.

  18. Employing electronic health records to address ethical concerns.

  19. Policy advocacy opportunities and barriers for nurses.

  20. The rationale for evidence-based nursing practice.

  21. Factors influencing medical errors: Improving patient safety.

  22. Infection prevention in clinical settings.

  23. Quality patient experience: Using evidence-based practice.

  24. The value of the nursing code of ethics.

  25. Challenges in clinical nurse specialist training and practice.

  26. Anxiety, depression, and cognitive emotion management methods.

  27. Depression in patients: Mental health promotion practices.

  28. The fundamentals of nursing leadership in the twenty-first century.

  29. The influence of nursing leadership styles on healthcare.

  30. The role of nursing leadership in times of crisis.

  31. How to handle aggressive patients in practice?

  32. The connection between emotional intelligence and communication skills.

  33. Applications and programs for electronic healthcare.

  34. Vaccines for Covid-19 and mRNA technology.

  35. Food insecurity interventions delivered by nurses.

  36. Health tweets: An investigation into social media health promotion.

  37. How to manage burnout in nursing practice?

  38. Nurses’ LGBTQ+ health education: Diversity and inclusion in healthcare.

  39. Nursing care coordination for individuals with complex needs.

  40. The influence of the nursing work environment on work-related results.

🧪 Evidence-Based Nursing Topics for Research

  1. The importance of long-term care facilities to the healthcare system.

  2. The actual application of therapy in patient care.

  3. Opportunities for transforming the approach to the study of nursing.

  4. Importance of family counseling for anticipatory grief in cancer care.

  5. Organizational support improves adherence to infection prevention.

  6. Family and caregiver relationships influence patient self-management.

  7. Fan therapy is a treatment option for relieving chronic breathlessness.

  8. Features of the nursing process in diseases of the urinary system in children.

  9. The role of a nurse in the prevention of iodine deficiency.

  10. Nursing care for chronic eating disorders in children.

  11. Nursing care for patients with impaired cerebral circulation in the hospital.

  12. Clinical analysis of pain syndrome in patients with pancreatitis.

  13. Education of the population on rational and dietary nutrition.

  14. Laparoscopy as the most optimal method of diagnosis of strangulated hernias.

  15. Training of the patient in self-care and the postoperative period.

  16. Prevention of arterial hypotension to improve the quality of human life.

  17. Informational support for women whose children are in intensive care.

  18. The implementation of developmental care in neonatology and infancy.

  19. Features of nursing care for patients in the postoperative period.

  20. Standards of operating procedure in the practice of a nurse.

  21. Distribution of responsibilities for high-quality medical care.

  22. Patient involvement through person-centered handovers in nursing.

  23. Significant potential symptoms of myocardial infarction in women.

  24. Virtual reality experience may improve patient satisfaction and reduce anxiety.

  25. Communication and support are essential for living kidney donors.

  26. Evidence-based research as a way to advance nursing.

đź’‰ Bonus List of Research Topics for Nursing Students

  1. Efficient public health initiatives that decrease the impact of back pain.

  2. Pain management recommendations for rural patients.

  3. The analysis of the guidelines for chronic pain management nurse-patient discussions.

  4. The use of opioids by nurses for patients’ pain management.

  5. The necessity of physician supervision for nurse anesthetists.

  6. How does a higher education degree affect nurse anesthetists’ performance?

  7. The impact of physician-nurse communication on patient outcomes.

  8. Policy suggestions for reduction of hospital-acquired infections.

  9. Optimizing cost-effectiveness of physician supervision without harming patients.

  10. Staffing models for surgical facilities with the highest efficiency.

  11. The issues with experienced nurses in rural facilities.

  12. Motivational factors that affect nurse-physician relationships.

  13. The impact of team composition on nurses’ job satisfaction.

  14. How do training courses increase nurses’ job satisfaction?

  15. The role of autonomy in the workplace for nurses.

  16. The correlation of nurses’ availability and patient outcomes: Urban vs. rural areas.

  17. The impact of nurse certification on hospitals’ performance.

  18. Practice barriers for nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  19. Expanded practice and its role in nurses’ training.

  20. The shifting responsibilities of nurses during the COVID-19-related workforce shortages.

  21. How nurse collaboration boosts healthcare facilities’ performance?

  22. Issues that nurses experience when caring for COVID-19 patients.

  23. The impact of hospitals’ organizational culture on nurses’ burnout rates.

  24. Screening of nurses’ welfare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  25. How can nurse team leaders improve patient outcomes?

  26. The reaction of nursing personnel to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  27. How to decrease psychological distress among nurses in high-mortality settings?

  28. How can the nursing workforce become more prepared for future pandemics?

  29. The reasons behind the recent decline in nurses’ availability.

  30. Nurses’ perceptions of safety culture and their impact on patient outcomes.

  31. How can the development of a patient safety culture prevent hospital-acquired infections?

  32. The benefits of workload assessment tools for nurses.

  33. Correlation between nurses’ level of education, professional experience, and overall performance.

✍️ Tips on Writing a Nursing Research Paper

There are numerous different rules to writing a nursing research paper. They can depend on your institution and professors’ particular preferences and requirements. Naturally, you should be diligent in following any guidelines you are given.

However, some tips will still be universal, no matter the instructions or the nursing topic you’ve chosen. Here are the key recommendations:

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  • When choosing a nursing topic for research, consider what you will be interested in exploring.

  • In your thesis statement, thoroughly explain your main argument, the purpose of your paper, and your position.

  • Plan your paper by creating an outline that you can follow.

  • Account for the time needed to research when arranging your schedule. Don’t leave everything to the last moment.

  • When selecting sources to cite, ensure that they are trustworthy and reliable.

  • Create citations for your reference list as you go along.

  • Ask a friend to read your paper to you aloud or use a text-to-speech app. This way, you can find mistakes and logical fallacies.

  • Edit your nursing paper and proofread it once again before submitting it.

We hope this article was insightful and informative for you. Writing a nursing research paper can take a long time, which you might not have. If that is the case, try using our online summarizer. It will significantly speed up your research process!

đź”— References

256 Nursing Research Topics & Titles for Students | OvernightEssay Blog (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.